竹籟文創's Avatar


ESG地方創生淨零碳排國家隊Taiwan Team

服務內容:竹工DIY、ESG課程活動規劃、客製化竹製品、竹構築與裝置藝術、碳盤查、農業與森林碳匯經營、人工造林、 竹林活化疏伐、生質能、生物炭、竹醋液、竹醋系列清潔用品、ESG企業輔導諮詢、SDGs策略提供、碳資產管理、國際自願性碳抵減購買

Service: Net-Zero carbon emissions and ESG international third-party certificate courses. Carbon inventory and coaching. Carbon asset management. Agricultural and forest carbon sink development. Artificial afforestation. Bamboo construction and installation art. ESG corporate consulting. Biomass energy. SDGs strategy supply.

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協助購買聯合國自願性減碳碳權Assist in purchasing United Nations voluntary carbon reduction rights

臺灣竹產業第一張碳資產管理證書Taiwan’s Bamboo Industry’s First Carbon Asset Management Certificate

中華民國農業部林業經營生產證書Forestry Management and Production Certificate from the Ministry of Agriculture

漢聲廣播電台「fb新鮮事」節目、主持人:李基銘 從傳統竹藝到竹裝置藝術

公共電視 TaiwanPlus

三立專訪 | SET TV NEWS

中視專訪 | CTN NEWS


竹工DIY/Bamboo Craft DIY

竹構築-2018臺中花博竹跡館Bamboo Arch-Taichung Flower EXPO

竹構築-2019桃園農博五角亭Bamboo Arch-Taoyuan


We have created more than tens of thousands of daily wage employment opportunities for rural areas in Taiwan, including old, middle-aged and young people, rehabilitated people and disadvantaged families.

臺灣最大私有竹林碳匯1,600公頃持有民營單位/Taiwan’s largest bamboo forest carbon sink of 1,200 hectares is owned by a private company

生質能/廢竹/菇包/稻穀/果枝/垃圾-成為綠色電力來源Biomass Pellets/Gasification/Bamboo/Mushroom Sawdust Wastes/Rice Husk/Fruit Branches/Trash

生物炭與竹醋液&清潔用品/Biochar and Bamboo Vinegar & Soap

減碳相關商品-烏金竹醋 Carbon reducing products-Bamboo vinegar

減碳相關商品-炭晶皂 Carbon reducing products-Bamboo vinegar soap


農業與森林碳匯輔導/國際森林驗證Agriculture and Forest Carbon Sequestration Tutorial/International Forest Verification

ESG企業諮詢/SDGs策略提供/海內外演講ESG corporate consulting/SDGs strategy provision/Speeches in Taiwan and abroad

臺灣竹產業唯一有多張海內外專利的團隊/The only patented team in Taiwan’s bamboo industry